Every summer I like to read How to be an Effective Teacher the First Days of School by Harry K. Wong and Rosemary T. Wong. It's a
tradition. It also helps me to start the year organized, inspired, and
confident. Here are my notes from each unit, plus additional information
from internet searches, Pinterest, etc. that I found useful and actually do/use
in my classroom from year to year.
have read this book cover-to-cover at least 6 times!
read for new teachers.
Unit A helps you to understand why you are
teaching in the first place.
1. Why you need to
succeed on the first days of school:
- Consistency is key: this
creates a safe environment for students that is also predictable and
- Come up with a good classroom
management plan and stick to it
- A sample classroom management
plan from Smart Classroom
- A sample powerpoint presentation
- A sample 2nd grade plan
- Script the first few days of
- Some examples from the book and
from online searches:
- Key steps to include in your
- Greet students
- Assign seats beforehand
- Have an assignment on board
- Introduce yourself
- Teach procedures
- Explain rules and daily
procedures (included in discipline plan)
- Introduce centers and classroom
(and how you want your materials treated)
- Organize notebooks, label
- Practice, practice, practice!!!
- Note: This is a very
important step that I do every year. Before the first day of
school, I go over my old scripts and change it up to make it work for the
new year. I make notes to help with planning for the following
year. It gives me piece of mind the night before the first day and
everything runs so smoothly!
- Establish good control in the
first week of school
- Know what you are doing
- Do things right and consistently
(consistency is key)!!!
2. What is an
effective teacher?
- The effective teacher
- has positive expectations
- be clear and state these
- believes the learner can learn
- don't "write off" your
low groups
- knows that the learner will
perform at the levels we expect.
- low expectations = low levels of
- A good classroom manager
- establishes a productive and
cooperative working environment
- all part of management plan
- designs lessons for student
- plan with your individual
students learning styles in mind
- evaluates for mastery
- I like to plan with Bloom's Taxonomy verb list in front of me
3. How you can be a
happy first-year teacher:
- The best teachers are also the
best students
- never stop learning, reading,
- Here are some organizations listed
in the book to reasearch as needed:
- Learning Disabilities
Association of America
- Association for
Educational Communications and Technologies
- Texas Association for
the Gifted and Talented
- Council for
Exceptional Children
- Council for Learning
- International Society
for Technology in Education
- National Association
for Bilingual Education
- National Association
for Gifted Children
- National Council for
Teachers of Mathematics
- Induction training for new teachers
- to help you know what to do on
the first day of school
- mentor programs available to new
teachers through your school district
- Rely on your colleagues
- beg, borrow, steal
- find a positive mentor
- get to know all your colleagues
4. How you can be an
effective veteran teacher:
- embrace change
- teach as enthusiastically as you
expect your students to learn
- use the summer to recharge!
- remember that the school was built
for the students, you are employed to serve them
- don't isolate yourself, be
- don't be cynical
- bad habits are difficult to break
5. Why should you use
proven research-based practices?
- It is erroneous to teach as you
were taught.
- Teach based on achievement and the
success of your students, not fads
- if something isn't working, toss
it and try something new
- don't force a lesson because you
want to stick to your plans, be flexible
- Examples:
- Research shows questioning should
be done throughout the text, not at the end.
- time on task
- cooperative learning
- extensive reading
- Know what, how, and why you are
doing something.
This concludes Unit A from How to be an
Effective Teacher the First Days of School. I hope you found this
If you are reading/have read this book, what did
you find most helpful from this unit? For me, it was the scripts. I
cannot tell you how helpful it is to have those first few days organized!
*Posted with permission.
*Posted with permission.
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