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Weekly and Daily Routines

Our weekly routine is very flexible, but Tuesday morning is set aside for our preschool group.  I teach a group of four little girls for about two hours.

Below is my lesson plan template that I started with.  I've modified the times a bit.  We now spend the last 30 minutes doing free play.  I cut that time out of the circle time and math blocks.  Eventually I will update this template with shortened blocks and a time for potty/snack breaks which are typically at the same time everyday.

The four boxes below are for notes and individualized instructions for each child in our group.  I use a kindergarten readiness checklist to drive this instruction.

For two weeks we learn a new letter, and every third week is a review week.  I pick a common theme from the previous two weeks and do a big STEAM unit.  The review week does not follow the above lesson plan template.  In place of circle time, we will do a quick phonics lesson to review letters and learn sight words.  


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